Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Is iOS 7 A Trick To Force You To Upgrade Your iPhone?

Ever since I switched to the iPhone, I have been a raving lunatic fan, laughing at all who go with anything else.  Once in my life I worked for Apple as a contract employee so maybe this is expected.  I did try an Android phone, a Windows Phone, and even a Blackberry first.

The android phone didn't last a month. I couldn't use it and didn't have the time to learn it or figure it out.  The Blackberry worked great, so when my wife got an iPhone 3G, I simply upgraded my Blackberry.  At the time, no self respecting business owner would own an iPhone.  They were still "toys". 

Today I took a class from Marki Costello, and noticed that she still had a Blackberry. It made me realize how much more of my online life I was attending too because of my iPhone.  She didn't care about Twitter, Facebook or social media in general.  Like me she feels it is a necessary evil of her business.  In fact a good part of my business exists simply because social media has become a necessary evil to almost all businesses.

Leaving the class I had 25 emails, 10 messages and a couple of voicemails.  One of them was from an attorney asking for some technical assistance on a texting while driving case.  After this call, all I can say is don't do it.  It isn't worth it.

We walked over to Johnny Rockets for lunch and I started answering all of these messages.  Half of me was thinking how cool it was that I could do this and not be in the office, while the other half realized only two emails, one message and one of the two voicemails really needed my attention.  The rest would have never known if I looked at them or not.

Trying to respond to the only email that mattered just about gave me an aneurism.  I am sure that my thumbs were hitting ten or more letters and nothing would appear on the screen.  Then everything would appear all jumbled up.  This didn't happen with iOS 6.x  

When I tried to change apps from the main screen, the swipe motion opened an app just as often as it actually swiped the screen.  More annoying.

Then I attempted to get my voicemails, and the phone couldn't do it.  Five bars, er dots, and I can't get Voicemail?  45 seconds later, the screen changed so I could hit the play icon.  63 seconds later noise be can to emanate from the speaker.  I now believe that iOS 7 is a trick to get me to spend $500 each on two phones.  

In the past every upgrade to an OS from Apple gave you more and went faster.  iOS 7 is the first time I have regretted making a software upgrade.  It worked fine on my iPad2, and I needed to upgrade that for a software package I use regularly for work.  Thinking it would be easier to just have everything be the same I upgraded my iPhone.  Bad Dog.

Thankfully, my brilliant wife stayed on iOS 6 reminding me "It works, why change?"  The problem is her phone is now out of apple care and the home button doesn't always work when you leave the Apple Store.  Of course it works fine in there.  So it looks like two new phones need to get worked into the budget quick.  Ouch

I was excited to go buy my iPhone 4 and put my Blackberry to rest in a box in the garage.  Getting the iPhone 5, not so.  I feel like I was forced to choose between an upgrade of my phone, or changing to another phone that will take up all my time to learn how to use it again.  

The new windows phone looks great, but it doesn't work right out of the box, get all of my contacts, email accounts and set it self up just by plugging into my MacBook Air and connecting with iTunes does it?  Besides with two Mac Mini's, three iPads, two iPhones, an iPod touch and a Request Server with iTunes in the house, a PC phone just isn't going to cut it.

Never mind my Insteon Lighting Control is run by a little magic box with software running on the iPads and my iPhones.  

Apple has broken the code.  Like any great drug dealer.  The first iPhone was "free", and then for years they made it better, faster and cheaper.  The iPhone 4 was so far ahead of the iPhone 3 that the day after I came home with my iPhone 4 my wife ran out and got on the list.  I got an early release thanks to a good friend at AT&T.  Now that I am hooked, they know it and are selling me More More and More.  And yes I am still buying so don't be surprised to find me with a 5s which also means new chargers, new accessories, new cables, new docs.  This bill isn't going to be pretty. 

They couldn't just keep one silly little connector now could they.  I bet they are going to try and get me to by a iPad mini next, after all, with the iPhone 5, I'll already have all the accessories.

It's a trick (that worked) and that is my verdict.  What's yours?

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