I guess it makes sense that neither side is in a hurry to settle this, everyone is getting paid and a bunch of people are getting a paid vacation. If I were one that had to come to work I would be pretty steamed. So what is this all about? At the end of the day it is about raising taxes. My healthcare plan provided through my work doesn't meet the little window so I will have to pay more taxes. Call it a healthcare fee, it is taxes.
I won't hide the fact that I am against "Obamacare". As a military veteran, this is a socialist policy no matter what you call it. Stalin would be proud of us. At the same time people who are going to be "forced" to buy healthcare will quickly figure out the "tax" is cheaper and they won't pay either.
So is the "shutdown" fooling anyone? This almost appears to be an exercise to test the apathy of the voters, taxpayers and residents of the United States. The whole thing is just bazaar to me. I have written my congressman and my senators, and I hope you have too.
I don't care if you are for or against "Obamacare", you should write to end the stupidity of paying people to not work and saying they have "jobs". Instead at least furlough them and let them collect unemployment like regular people.
Of course you should read all about the healthcare bill and decide if you agree with it or not, and then write your letters. Is the debt ceiling important? Of course. When the president was a Senator, he voted against raising the debt ceiling and called those who want to raise it "irresponsible". Today he has flipped to the other view. I expect this though, he is a politician after all.
For me, the debt ceiling is plenty high, and we don't need the health care bill to make it higher. No business can survive this way, and so far in history, no government has made it either. Someday this house of cards will crash. The question is when. Not likely in the next three years, so President Obama, knows he is safe.
This is the land of freedom and opportunity. Do you want to keep paying for the rest of your life, and do you want your grandkids to keep paying?
The government shutdown is nothing more than political grandstanding on both sides. Yes we need to address the debt ceiling, but paying people not to work isn't fixing anything.
So do you believe the hype?
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