Monday, April 5, 2010

Flip Flop time, and a time to reflect on Freedom.

Flip flop season is officially back for the year.  For me this means it is a great time to reflect on what it means to live in the greatest country in the world.  After 20 years in the Air Force Reserves serving all over the world, and reading the newspapers of the other countries, I still believe we live in the land of the greatest opportunity in the world.

So what does this have to do with flip flops?  No, this isn't going to be an essay on politicians who can't make a decision, Rod Blagojevich gave us plenty of that last night on “The Apprentice”.  This has to do with reminding ourselves what freedom really means.

When you take off your shoes and socks and put on your favorite flip flops, your feet are truly free.  Well almost.  They have just that little bit of sole to protect your feet, and just enough strap to keep them there.  When the weather is good that is all we really need isn't it?  My wife likes to add a little "bling" to her flip flops like the Havaiana's from Ann Taylor Loft pictured here.

I look at our government the same way.  The founding fathers gave us a bill of rights that guaranteed that we would have the opportunity to  be free.  They gave us the freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms and the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The founding fathers didn't give us freedom from want or freedom from medical bills.  That is our responsibility.  They gave us just enough soul to protect us from ourselves and that is it.

Today we have a government that wants to force us to wear steel toe boot and has forgotten that we are the greatest country in the world because we are free to wear flip flops.  I don't even mind if the government buys a little "bling" at our expense.  The capital is pretty cool, and so is the White House, as they should be.  I don't want the government buying me steel toe boots.  Steel toe boots are hot and uncomfortable, I'll take the freedom.

As you set your feet free this summer, if even for a day, notice how much better it feels.  Enjoy that feeling of freedom as long as you can and carry it with you as you set your goals and move forward in life.  Don't get caught up in the rhetoric about protecting your feet, after all they are your feet.

When you are preparing your taxes this year look at what you are really paying, Sales Taxes, Income Taxes, Property Taxes, and if you own a business, Franchise Taxes and Business Taxes.  Ask yourself, is it worth it?  Would you rather have the freedom of flip flops or the security of steel toe boots?

As Douglas MacArthur said “ There is no security on this earth, only opportunity.” Personally I'll take the flip flops with a side of opportunity.  How about you?

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Thank you for your insights.