Thursday, May 27, 2010

Find The Key To Unlock Your Golden Handcuffs.

Reading statistics makes you really wonder what drives people to get out of bed in the morning.  I recently read that 80% of all Americans are unhappy in their job.  If this is true, why are they there? It is a free country isn't it?  I also read that 95% of all Americans that hit retirement age this year will not have any savings to speak of and will depend on retirements and social security to survive, not live.

The more I talk to people about these two issues the more I find out how many people feel restrained by “golden handcuffs”.  A friend of mine uses this term for his employees.  He pays them well for the industry he is in and then he works them to the bone.  He knows they won't quit because no one else will pay them what he is paying them.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Are You Too Busy To Make Money?

It amazes me to see how many business owners and sales people are “too busy” to make money.  Are you too busy to make money?  Most of them know and can clearly spell out what they need to do to get ahead and yet they don't do it.  Why is that?  Do you know anyone like that?  Are you that person?

The path to high achievement and success isn't a secret.  If you are a sales person or a baseball player, your path is a path of practice and numbers.  The more you practice the better you get and the more you swing at the ball the more you will get the hits.  What stops most people from achieving more is they hit their personal limit for the strikes or the “no” responses people give them.  Many others hit their goal and settle into a comfort zone.  Either way progress stops.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Is There A Secret To Success?

As a business owner, and trainer/coach to other business owners, I have figured out the one step that is absolutely required for success.  I have taken all kinds of classes from other success coaches and trainers, I have even read their books.  Every one of them has a slightly different take on the issue.

Most recently I was listening to an audio program where the speaker listed 42 different elements of success that he had discovered.  He said a business plan was absolutely essential.  Funny I know a few multimillionaires with good businesses that never had a real plan.  He also said that written goals were required.  I know a few guys that don't have any written goals.  In fact, I know a couple of guys who got rich, are still getting rich and by most peoples thinking continue to become more successful every day and yet they have neither a business plan or a written set of goals.

Use The Four D's To DeClutter And Get Productive

I grew up in the house of a “neat freak” and immediately rebelled when I left home.  I would let laundry pile up in college until I ran out of clothes, and if I had money, I would buy new clothes before doing laundry.  Sadly I think this was a rather normal college lifestyle choice.

As time went on I discovered that much of my “college” stress was due to my messy lifestyle.  I discovered this when I spent to much money and had to sell everything to pay the bills.  I rented a room from a friend and didn't have much to make a mess other than laundry.  Somehow I became relaxed and energized all at once.  I built a business, bought more stuff, moved to an apartment and began to clutter my life again.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is Now A Good Time To Start a Business?

Some people might think that starting a business in today's economy is absolute craziness. The truth is for some people, in fact most people they are right. However, those people who select the right business now might be the best time ever to start a business. The key here is making sure you pick the right business to start.

With all the craziness in the current economy there are all kinds of great deals for budding business owners. For instance if you are starting a store that requires a brick and mortar location you can probably rent a location for half of what it would have cost you just three years ago. Vendors are also making all kinds of great deals to help businesses get started and fill the gaps left by other businesses which have gone out of business.

The Chinese have one word that means both crisis and opportunity. While many people see this as a crisis, a select few will see this as an opportunity. If you are one of those people and see this as an opportunity, then now is the time to find in the right business for you to start. The type of business does not matter, what matters is that you select and start the right business for you.

We all have hobbies that could be turned into businesses, the problem is we only enjoy them because they are a hobby. When the hobby becomes a business is no longer fun. If your business is not fun, your chances of success are diminished. What you're looking for is a business that you truly love. It might be something you don't think you can even do. I have met landlords that needed to be artists, and artists that needed to be landlords.

To illustrate the difference, the landlord that needed to be an artist was the kind of guy who like to do everything himself. He would spend hundreds of hours on this buildings personally making changes, all the while ignoring his tenants. The artist that needed to be the landlord was exactly the opposite, he has great vision and could very easily in the challenge to other people. He really didn't like doing the work himself. The difference might appear subtle, yet it is critical to both of their success.

So in this time a fantastic opportunity start by investing in yourself and making sure you pick the right opportunity and give yourself the best chance to succeed.  If you are not sure how to pick the right business to start, pick up a copy of So, Now What?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blaze New Trails to Success

The most successful people in life are those that have decided to blaze their own trail.  The further into uncharted territory they go, the more likely they are to make it into the history books if they reach their goal.  A post office employee blazed new trails into a discipline of physics most of us still can't understand, and everyone know his name, Albert Einstein.

Some people blaze trails in territory everyone thought they already knew.  Michael Dell if famous for his trail in the PC business.  The PC wasn't anything new, Mr. Dell just focused on a target of delivering it better and cheaper than anyone else.  After he hit that target, he kept adjusting the target and today the Dell website is filled with technology offerings.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Recession Success Tips for Small Business

Recently I was eating at a sushi bar with one of my partners .  The Sushi chef noticed our Rustic Creek logo shirts and asked how business had been.  When I responded “great”, all conversations stopped and everyone stared at me.  I felt like I just rained on everyone’s parade.  It turned out we had joined a group of builders commiserating on the state of the economy and the housing market.

On the way back to the job site, my partner asked why I thought we were so busy and getting busier every day while everyone else seemed to be struggling or going out of business.  I didn’t have a simple answer for him.  What I had was a 30 minute version of a full semester course I took in college.  I didn’t realize how much I remembered and was able to use until that point.